
Wherever you may be I will find thee


09-09-2014, 06:08 AM

Well of course she could see he hadn't died, words had a habit of coming out not quite as intended sometimes with the girl or even misinterpreted when she got on a roll with her quickly fired questions. Not one with a large enough gap for anyone to actually interrupt and answer until she stopped. What she had meant with the latest round was simply concern that he might have been badly hurt. From his response and what Isi could see it seemed that there were no existing injuries and perhaps no previous ones either.

He sensed that she needed a little more persuasion however it seemed and would go onto to explain that no one would dare to attack the Kovals. Even Isi knew it was more a case of the majority of the family simply didn't present annoy anyone enough for an attack to be necessary it was certainly not that they were a tough bunch as Rurik was perhaps trying to persuade her now. "Even I know it's not a good idea to go around shouting that out, Rikky." Isi would point out bluntly. "Anyone will think you're after a challenge. And let's be honest, your like half the size of a lot of wolves!" Half was perhaps a slight exaggeration to be fair, but that didn't bother Isi.

As for her, well physically she was perhaps a little hungry but nothing else was wrong with her. Mentally though, yeah she was just a little worried. "Well my alpha's gone cuckoo. Ex-alpha actually, she vanished and I found out why. The current one ain't a lot of cop either which was why I had to find the first. So I'm on my own until we can fix her." Isi explained, voice still rather chipper all things considered. Fortunately she knew better than to make her brother worry even more by pointing out she'd been in the pack of a presumed murderer which was the real reason said alpha 'wasn't a lot of cop'. "I'm alright other than that though. Nothing wrong with me." Others would perhaps beg to differ.