
Hold on to Me



10 Years
09-09-2014, 08:37 AM

Novel knew how life was supposed to be done, she knew that to have a family of her own she?d need to find a mate. Especially now, after her encounter with Lel she would become nervous simply at the thought. Though there were many males in her life, many had betrayed and hurt her. If she was honest with herself the mere thought of a male counterpart brought fear to her mind. Yet, the thought of being with Ara would not yet cross her mind, she would feel a sense of companionship already and the girl meant the world to her. Though she hadn?t felt as close to her as she did now.
Novel would find comfort in Ara?s smile, a feeling she thought for a moment had been totally lost to her. "It will be okay. I'll do everything in my power to make sure of that." She?d feel herself lean into the comforting touch, letting herself enjoy the sweet gesture and close proximity. She?d let herself be distracted by the bliss, however her placid thoughts would not be left undisturbed for long.
Had she been any other wolf she might have noticed sooner, caught the small symptoms much earlier. It was likely her mind was still trying to protect itself, she would ignore such signs until Ara would ask. "Can you tell me... are you going to have children?" Her reluctance was obvious in her apologetic demeanor, as the words left her lips Novel would mirror her features. Now that she?d said it, the reality would wash over her. She would whine, shaking her head as though to rid herself of the thought. She didn?t want to admit it. "Yes," she?d cry. So unsure of herself, yet sure that she was at the same time.


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