
Do It For Your Name


09-09-2014, 02:41 PM

The girl's white paws carried her easily, her mismatched gaze switching back and forth as she finally stopped in front of the arch. The smell of the sea filled her senses, and Silveris stood there for a moment, irritated for some reason. A low growl came from her unwillingly, as the sun lit up the arch and made it shine, a sight that would have made her happy if she weren't so angry. She sat there, the snow melting and drenching her fur, until she rose up and moved closer to the ocean. She stared down at it, underneath the arch, wondering why a wolf would try and swim too far in that; besides her, having grown a love for the water. As much as she loved swimming, Silveris could never trust to drink the water, because she had been told what it could do. With a shake of her brown and white fur, Silveris glanced up once, warily, but there was nothing to be bothered by.

Relaxing, Silveris glanced back down, so interested in the water that she wouldn't pay any attention to pawsteps. Her guard was let down, and she knew that she could be attacked. But if she was, she would fight back until one of the two gave up. She would fight to the death, if she had to.