
Crawling Like A Worm From A Bird


09-09-2014, 07:11 PM

Looks like being bold had not been a good idea. The wolf kicked the apple at him, making him caw and flap his wings, hopping to the side. That wasn't the end of her assalt though, she came at him and snapped her jaws. Clacking his beak together B easily took flight, only to land in the middle of the wolf's two shoulder blades. She couldn't get him from back here, he was untouchable! B peaked his beak at her skull, but not too hard. "Oi, oi! B doesn't taste good, too many feathers!" He called, wings flapping as he fought to maintain balance on her. He was sure to make sure that his claws were nor digging into her, he didn't want to hurt the wolf unless she tried to hurt him. "Now B is on you, and you can't reach B! Fat paws can't touch back here, no oh no! B is untouchable, caw!" He called happily, his head tipping back as he let out a gurgled laugh. He was going to get himself in trouble, but he didn't care. This was fun, yes! Oh yes so much fun! He didn't often grow bold like this, but it was time for B to not be such a scardy-bird. See, he was riding the big wolf! Jumping a few times, he hopped up so that he was on her head, wings again flapping against her cheeks so that he could keep balanced. Now she really couldn't reach him, he was all the way up here! Lowering his head so that he was looking down into the wolf's eyes, his head upside down to her and tilted to the side. His green feathers tickled towards her nose and he gently poked her forehead with his beak. "Now B is way high, woof cannot get me!" He called happily, his claws gently clinging to her ebony fur. Now lets see the fat-paw wolf get the best of him!