
Absolute Territory[MEETING, ISOKAN]



4 Years
09-09-2014, 11:03 PM

we'll go down in history, remember me for centuries.

Isokan was no longer her brother's pipe dream. He was a King now, ruling with Irune at his side. Her siblings had been reunited; in Serra's past, this would have been heaven. But now it was impossible to deny that another also held an equal share in her heart. Quelt had always been the dearest of her siblings, but he had her sisters and brothers now too. And he had been closer to them, she knew. And Newol needed her. She was conflicted, more conflicted than she knew how to admit to her brother. How could she tell him that the wolf that she had sworn to follow to the ends of the earth was no longer the central force of her life? Perhaps it was understandable that this came with time; they were adults now, grown with their own lives.

It was Quelt's howl that interrupted her thoughts and Serra stirred for the first time, bold blue eyes closing for a moment before she set off. Her legs carried her smoothly across the earth, and she made her arrival swiftly. Quelt stood with Irune at his side, and one other member, a strange black female, had also arrived. Serra smiled at her brother, dipping her head respectfully towards the male and his mate, before glancing curiously at the other girl. To her, Serra also inclined her head, a silent greeting as she settled back smoothly on her haunches.

Whatever Quelt had to say, she was in no rush. He could take his time and she would be content to wait for a while. It would be a good chance for her to meet some of the other members of Isokan as well, the ones that weren't family (or practically family, anyways, like Irune).
