
Wherever you may be I will find thee


09-10-2014, 02:55 AM

Isi had common sense. That wasn't a phrase that was often spoken or even thought for that matter. It was more through luck that she had thought better of the fact on this occasion than blurting out the truth to Rurik. She hadn't even told Raisa and Koros, though that was perhaps something she should have done to hurry the fox along before Katja had a chance to go on a killing spree. Telling Rurik wouldn't do anything however apart from possibly get her banned from eve returning to Ebony. Of course they had all arrived here from the rather dangerous old Ebony but who needed logic?

He would offer his assistance and company in her challenge. Maybe he knew some solution, he wasn't a healer but Koros hadn't thought that any plant would really help them out here. "Any idea how to get someone's mind back?" She questioned. "She's pretty much forgotten everything. Who she is, even how to react to others. Just sits there staring and shaking. It's weird Rikky, never seen anything like it. She was a proud Queen and now is a mess." Her brother probably wouldn't know either but he'd offered his help and it was worth a shot.

He was definitely overanalysing her teasing comments. Spent too much time apart it seemed, he'd gotten too used to the far more serious personalities of the wolves they'd been surrounded by. "Keep telling yourself that shorty. And lighten up brother." She would respond simply with a grin.