
Wherever you may be I will find thee

Rurik I


2 Years
09-10-2014, 04:44 AM

and i'll fight to survive

Lighten up, what a strange thing to tell him, after all not seeing his sister for a year and all of this crazy talk, how was he suppose to lighten up as his mind wanted to yell at him. He took in a deep breath as he tried to think of any plants he might have heard about for this sort of problem however sadly he would come up to no answer for it. He would open his maw as he spoke "I sadly do not know of a plant that could do that but then again I'm no healer... and sorry, I should lighten up... I've just been worried about you and worried about Arty and Lily... I've just been under some stress that's all and you must be under quite a bit of stress as well dear sister... regardless I shall still aid you as best I can" however he felt like he should be able to do more, after all its Isidora he's helping.

He was indeed short but seeing his sister grin did help him lighten up a little. Rurik quickly realized that he wasn't helping any if he didn't lighten up after all he was here to help, not hinder. The brute's lips parted making way for his voice "Anyone you might know who could help with this problem?". Rurik didn't know that many wolves outside of old ebony so thus it would be difficult for him to think of anyone who could help them. Surely he'd come to meet those talented in the healing arts eventually now that he was outside of what was his old home.

Rurik knew that Isidora would always tease him particularly because he was shorter than her but that never stopped him from being the best he could be. There was a saying he was quite fond of big things come in small packages and surely that described him in terms of his personality. Where would they be going if she did know someone who knew the answers she sought after. No matter where it was, he was bound to follow her and once again be the good little guardian he was despite not being a pup he was smaller than Isidora.

through this thunderous life