
You've Woken A Demon Within


09-10-2014, 10:00 AM

He was scared. Terrified. The russet man was horrible forcing them to stay here, being mean to his momma and Apollo. Hypnos didn't understand what was going on at all, but he wasn't allowed to leave the lands... and they were being punished. But he hadn't done anything, and neither had his momma or Polly! Fear made his small heart pound in his chest, as well as a feeling of anger at the bottom of it. They were being punished for no reason! That wasn't right, and he had decided he hated that man and the woman of all black for making them stay here. Something that man had said too had Hypnos hurting much more than the fear though. Burden. He was a burden on the pack because of his leg.

That was what truly woke a fire in his heart.

Scared or not, Hypnos was forcing himself to work hard. He had waited until his momma went to speak with Polly before slipping from the den. After letting the tears fall, his face set with resolve. His stupid back leg... he'd make it strong! He'd prove that man wrong, prove this whole pack wrong, and he'd show them he wasn't a burden, and he wasn't weak! His seagreen eyes were still shiny with tears that threatened to form, but the boy was on the move, walking face, putting down weight on the back leg even though it hurt. Even though it hurt and throbbed and he just wanted to lay down. But he wasn't going to. No. Hypnos gritted his teeth, ears flicked back as he kept pushing. He didn't care what it took... he was going to show them all.