
when the violence causes silence,



09-10-2014, 02:20 PM

Paws thundered over the terrain, pebbles being thrown by powerful steps. Her pale form seemed to blur as the raced, the burning in her powerful limbs only propelling her even further forward. The screaming of her lungs only pushed her to run harder. Euphoria rose up, crashing into her like a wave. It felt amazing to run, to push herself to her absolute breaking point. Perhaps she had an addiction to the thrill. As if on cue, a boulder appeared in the young girl's mismatched, narrowed gaze. It wasn't anything massive, but it was certainly large enough to present a challenge. Note instantly steered her body in the grey object's direction, forcing her limbs to move faster, to push harder. She could feel pointed pebbles digging into her pads, but she ignored the pain, ignored everything but her single goal at that moment. The alabaster Destruction fae ran at the boulder, until she felt close enough. Then, Note leaped, her legs springing her body up and forward. She landed with her front paws touching the top, her hind paws landing on either side. But the she-wolf didn't stop. Again, her strong limbs pushed her lithe, agile body up and forward - not down. Taking a determined breath as she leaped, Note forced her body even further forward. The sensation was awkward, and found herself struggling as she began her descent. She just barely landed on her hind paws, instantly knowing to crouch so her ankles wouldn't absorb the entire impact. The yearling skidding a few feet before rolling forward, finally landing on her side, skidding about a foot. Note lay there, her jaws parted, long hanging out. Her side heaved as she panted from the exertion. But there was a smile on her ebony-splashed face, pale, minty green eye bright. It hadn't been perfect, but Note had actually managed to do a forward flip.

Act. "Speak." Think.