
Do It For Your Name


09-10-2014, 02:33 PM

A male moved closer, and when he spoke, Silveris jumped and glanced at him. At his words, the caution, she nodded, her mismatched gaze wary as she met his orange one. "I know, but thank you for warning me." The male moved closer, and Silveris felt her ears flatten against her head, her lips twitching in a snarl that made her look almost dangerous, her mismatched gaze hard. She was not a violent wolf, but it seemed that this wolf was going to attack, and it was best to be on the defense more than anything else. "None of a stranger's business what I'm doing out here, now is it?" She retorted softly, raising to her paws and lifting her tail in dominance, a snarl on her face. She could not stand an insult against someone that she had not bothered in any way. She was different now, the land having changed her, although she wouldn't like to fight. She did not move, her gaze narrowed as she waited for his first move, so she could defend herself.

She was once afraid to speak to a male this way. But no longer.
