


05-15-2013, 11:11 AM

Desdemona was a strange creature. There were two sides to the behemoth and most only ever saw one. There was the warrior, the blood thirsty mongrel who was nothing short of a demon once unleashed in battle, and then there was the gentler, more understanding wolf that Demonio had helped her become. She understood the emotions of love and family, but her early days made it near impossible for her to really express such emotions. She had an understanding and took the concerns of her people, her pack, to heart, but her blunt and to the point answers were typically what they received. Regardless, she truly did care about Tortuga and that was evident in the way she had completely torn it apart, only to rebuild it from the ground up. She was tired of Tortuga being belittled, she intended to change a great deal and she would...she was.

Ears flickered back, pinning against her skull as the soft snarl escaped the small dame before her. Her muscles tensed and she readied herself to lunge, to snap from her seated position, but one look at her good eye told her the dame wasn't really here. Her vision had a misted, fogged over appearence, like she was seeing some phantom of days gone past. Desdemona traced the line of her vision to the trees, and, albeit slowly, the ivory beast would relax, tail twitching to coil around her haunch and then switching to the opposing limb. She didn't understand what demons plagued this woman's mind, what phantoms tormented her, and she wouldn't ask, everyone it seemed had pieces of their past they preferred to keep under lock and key, she certainly did, and she wouldn't make the woman speak unless she wanted too. After a short pause, the apology would come, a bit fragmented and scattered, referring to herself in the third person. Perhaps a split personality, an invisible friend?

"Seems to be the problem in most social interactions no?" The jest was meant in humor, evident by the gentle lift in her tones. Desdemona would speak, offering her condolences, and informing her that the once king was deceased, killed by Desdemona's own fangs. The fight had not initially been to the death but the male had forfeited, conceding his victory and had begged her for death to spare his pride, in all reality Desdemona did not wish to be held responsible, she didn't want the title of King Slayer... but here she was. She had returned to Tortuga victorious bathed in the once King's blood. Surprise would flicker across the womans maw and before Desdemona could say anything more on the subject, the woman burst into loud laughter, complimenting her and destroying the reputation that Kaien had mildly built.

Despite herself, at the rather exuberant reaction, Desdemona could not help the quirk of an invisible brow, or hide the amusement that danced across her features, a soft chuckle escaped her sealed maw and the woman launched into speech... it seemed Kaien had lost the respect of far more than one wolf. She was bemused by how quick the woman was to compliment her, ah, she would fit well in Tortuga if she wished to come home... Nnoitra had seen fit to permit her and Desdemona saw no reason to dismiss her now. If she wished to come home, she was welcome.

"I challenged him for the right to rule, he gave up, forfeited halfway through the fight, He begged me to kill him, to spare him of his pride, I agreed and tore out his throat." She didn't exactly feel good about such a kill, but the woman seemed ecstatic at his death and disappointed she hadn't been there to witness it. At the very least... she could tell her how it was done, and then of course her name was requested.

"Ah... where are my manners? My name is Desdemona, I thank you for your respect madam, that seems to be lacking in these part as of late. I don't know if you have returned to rejoin Tortuga, but if you have you are welcome to rejoin its ranks." She would smile, albeit small and hardly there, but a smile never-the-less, she needed more spirits like this in Tortuga, those who looked to the future rather than the past.
