
Down By the Riverbend



7 Years
09-10-2014, 05:05 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It seemed so startling to her how quickly her family had adjusted to living in this new yet familiar environment. To her astonishment, the marked densite that she and Bane had shared what felt like years ago had remained standing after all their time away, the odd crescent-shaped carvings on the trees denoting the boundary that she and her husband had once delineated to keep their children close as they played in the very early stages of their lives. Everything was just the way they had left it, save for the fact her family could no longer fit into it as snugly as they once could. They were split up a little though all within the same vicinity, and Tahlia was delighted that the children seemed to still stay close. It truly felt like her family was getting back to the way things used to be, and despite her preference for a pack and the safety it offered there was something wonderful to be said about the closeness this style of living created amongst them.

She had exited the den somewhat early that morning, setting off for the Range proper in the hopes of finding whatever sorts of morsels that she could scrounge up for breakfast. Likely she would have had better luck checking near the lake, where the water and shade would tempt out creatures from their hiding places, but all the peculiar sorts of animals seemed to hang more closely toward the central portion of the Range, and on this morning they were her intended targets.

Her ambling gait had hardly carried her far along her travels by the time the voice spoke out, and though it was unrecognizable she could tell within its message that it was intended for her family. The woman paused as she stared ahead, determining that it had come from her chosen destination. Her eyes, one deeply gold and the other clouded over, stared ahead for a moment as she deliberated before she resumed her pace. Best see what this was about if they were going through the trouble of seeking her and hers out specifically.

Tahlia might have been nothing more than a rogue, but on this domain that she had long ago called home, that she now called home again, she felt responsible and protective over it. Her posture reflected as much, carrying herself with the dignity she had finally regained and holding an air of presumed authority that was entirely her own. She regarded the yellow-eyed stranger with a wary sort of expression, her gaze narrowed just the slightest bit while her face remained unsmiling as she slowed her gait to a walk and neared closer. "I had assumed others lived here," she remarked in a cool tone that still remained mostly respectful, catching a quick portion of his scent now that she was nearer. "Are you another resident of the Range?"