
with all the force of a great typhoon



1 Year
09-10-2014, 08:47 PM
*OOC NOTE: I'm picking up where Eunomia left off with Alectrona to clear up any confusion*

Alectrona looked at at her mother and then to her father as she stumbled her way out further and further from the entrance of the den. She felt her brother nip her shoulder which would bring about a small smile on her little maw. However she wanted to stay by her mother and father for a little while longer, to soak in the world that was outside the den. She smiled as she tried to move closer to her mother "a tour of the lands? is that like sight seeing but with you mum and dah" she tried to speak up but tried to lean against her mother for support before attempting to move about again. Her sea green eyes looking over her mother's beautiful black form and then she gently turned her head to see her father as he was talking with her sister.

Chione, why wasn't she coming out with them. Little Alectrona wasn't going to let Chione spoil her fun though as she tried to test her little voice once more "dah, are you going to teach me what you do when you go sight seeing?" as she moved closer to Helios and pressed herself up against him. She was curious about what her parents would say. Once she had her answers she would go and play with her brother as her mind was like a little sponge waiting for the waters of words and knowledge to come and soak up into her mind.

For now she let her little tail fly about left and right, side to side, as she was rather happy to be outside the den and seeing her home that was Olympus. The child was ready to learn, ready to play, ready to see the world that she was brought into. For now though Alectrona was content to be by her parents and play with her siblings particularly Hercules.