
wake me if you're out there


09-10-2014, 10:34 PM
There were things that the alabaster wolfess obviously didn't like about the warm weather. The lack of snow was one of them, and her thick fur normally grew too warm as it absorbed the light and heat. Despite the fact that she disliked heat and warmth and immense brightness, a child of the ice and snow through and through, she kept an optimistic attitude. It as something that she did regardless of how she felt -- besides, she couldn't help but keep a smile on her face and a hopeful, joyful glimmer in her pale blue eyes.

Nadie glanced around the area she had been wandering through. The path beside her sloped downwards, leading to a riverbed that had long since dried up, leaving only cracked clay and sand. Nadie followed the downwards slope until she reached the rock-laden area, her nose twitching as she scented the area. There seemed to be no others around, but the stale scent of wolves hung around the riverbed. Nadie's smile disappeared, a mutual look spread across her wolfish maw. She glanced around again, pale eyes scanning the area before she sat herself down in the middle of the riverbed, her tail thumping gently against the ground.

open threads yay