



09-11-2014, 12:18 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had done as her mother commanded and left to wait with the rest of those who were not immediately related to the Olympus family and the drama that had suddenly unfolded during the middle of the pack meeting, her natural wide-eyed, closed off sort of nature completely taking over again. It was apparent even as she sat, an arch to her back causing her to hunch slightly in place with her head lowered as if to make her small stature even more diminutive in comparison to the two she sat beside, her only slightly taller mother and her tall brother. Her tail remained firmly curled against her hip to hold herself in stillness as her blue and gold eyes, reminiscent of her mother's, glanced about in wary wonder. Was this what pack life was like? She might not have been part of Valhalla for very long, might not have really been exposed to the inner workings of it, but she could not stop herself from trying to draw any comparisons that she could.

The arrival of the alpha pair, Natalya and Helios, hardly appeased any of her own worries. What had happened? Would they even be allowed to know? She turned her head and glanced at her mother, ears moving to loosely set themselves against her head, and rose quickly to her paws at the prompting the older woman gave her. With Ash in the lead, Vaishya trailed along behind and stayed close to her brother even after they stopped, as usual seeking comfort in his self-assured, steady presence. At least she could always count on him to always be there with a smile and a gentle shoulder to lean against.