
Down By the Riverbend


09-11-2014, 11:23 AM

Another of the family would hear the call, and though not blood related she would feel the need to respond,to protect her loved ones with her life if it called for it. The dark woman would move through the land with purpose, a wraith across the land. Her movements were not as smooth and fluid as they once were due to her limp, but she sought the source of that howl as quickly as she could move, her single eye gleaming both with a bit of uncertainty and held back anger. She had scented others here on the Range, certainly, and had given them their space respectfully. But this call made her wary. Losing Seracia, losing everything she had for a time... it made her all the more protective over the family she had regained.

So when the single eyed woman emerged to come stand beside Tahlia she hardly wore the face of one who was incredibly friendly. She moved up on Tahlia's right side, her blind side. Sure she too missed an orb, her left, but protecting the other she wolf, one who had children and a mate to care for, was far more important to the ex-assassin. Mouth set in a firm line, she narrowed the single orb. She would not play games... and things would get dirty if need be if it came to protecting the ones who were so precious to her. "Why did you call?" Her own question would ring out, definitely less chit-chatty and kind. She wanted to the point. If there was a threat it would be handled here and now.