
Without You [Blu]


05-15-2013, 01:10 PM

The three legged dame was a timid gentle thing and she had been with Valhalla since her second year. They protected her, shielded her from the elements, the threats, they had failed to keep her from her parents, but Chronos had been there. Chronos had saved her life when her parents had torn her hind leg from her body, Chronos had fended off not one, but two of the most wretched wolves in existence and thank to him, she would never need to worry about them again. They would have killed her, had Chronos not saved her life.

Valhalla had not helped her during the volcanic eruption and on three limbs she had been no match for the ever flowing lava and she had been wounded greatly. It had taken a few kind strangers and almost a year for the tiny dame to return. She couldn't and didn't blame Valhalla for all the evils that seemed to befall her. her parents had long since been a torment and the volcano had left everyone in shambles. She held no ill will towards the pack or anyone in it. She just wanted to come home. She just wanted to be with Chronos.

Aislyn would speak and Blu would smile gently, her lips pulling up and the smile matching her gaze as the anger fled the ivory faes maw. "Its alright, no harm done, you were just protecting Valhalla and I don't usually leave a strong impression." Blu's tones were light hearted, already forgiving the alabaster dame... but then all hell broke loose and suddenly Chronos was before her, snapping in her defense and Aislyn was snarling in return. Her initial instinct was to flee, to run, to bolt, her schizophrenia temporarily blinding her and rendering her useless. She quivered, shaking where she stood as she stared in mystified horror at the venom that was spewed between the two.
