
The Dawn Poured into Me


09-11-2014, 04:09 PM

Her ears perked intently when he spoke of soon achieving a kingdom. She didn't know such ideas had been running through his mind, nor did she intend on ever seeing him being so powerful. Her desire to have him rose in that moment, but she refrained from moving from her comfortable spot. Her legs were still sore and she was afraid her body wouldn't be able to properly stand without his support. His lanterns met her pure water gaze and he asked if she thought she wouldn't have enough room.
Slowly, she looked away and out to the ocean. Tail tenderly moved around her sore hind paws to rest atop of them. The question wasn't if there was enough room in the pack that bothered her. What bothered her was the possibility of her falling for him. He was a polygamous man who didn't look at one wolf and think, "She's it, that's all." Pandora was sure that his unnamed wife felt the same way, regardless of how many times she talked herself out of it.
"It's not that, Scorpion..." she softly admitted, ears slipping towards the back of her cranium. "I just don't want to put myself in a situation where I will be stuck." Slowly, she turned her head to look at him. "If I wanted to leave and be with my brothers and sisters, would you fight my choice and try and force me to stay?" She didn't want to be tied down and also handcuffed in the process.

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