
Nothing Else Matters


09-11-2014, 04:36 PM

He stood behind her, his chest still heaving from the excitement of the moment. He turned and laid beside her, licking at her neck and behind her ears tenderly. A low hum of satisfaction escaped his throat followed by a single word: "Neo." His tail drummed listlessly against her ribs, his tongue slipping out again to run against her muzzle as he waited for a response. A name or another invitation, he wasn't picky. And from the look of things neither was she. It would take a while before he knew for sure, but the thoroughness of their 'session' assured him that they had conceived. And if he was wrong, he would make sure she didn't walk until they had.

His lust was slain, but he still felt drawn to her, felt the need to stay with her, to be with her. This is what Luce would have wanted right? And even if she didn't the nameless femme had satisfied him in ways that Luce never had. He was almost ashamed to admit it; but he had moved on from Luce. Almost.
Walk this way

Talk this way