
Nothing Else Matters



09-11-2014, 05:20 PM

The encounter between the two lasted longer than Maija had realized. Her desire for a man's touch had been pressuring her for too long. To have someone other than Taurig please her the way this stranger had done was something she never thought would have happened. Her lower half slowly descended to the ground, firmly landing upon the cool earth as her partner lowered his whole body beside her golden frame. Tender licks and kisses were given and she accepted them without a fuss. For some reason, she didn't mind.
The man then told her his name and she looked at him through her peripheral vision. Leaf-green gaze twinkled in the light supplied by the surrounding sun as she returned his gesture. "Maija." Her name was soft and sweet upon her Romanian tongue. She wouldn't be surprised if it remained that way when it fell upon his ears.
Without a doubt, Maija knew she was going to be pregnant again. Although her children were yearlings -- almost two, in fact -- she hadn't given the idea of having more kids a second thought. Now, however, she had no choice, but she accepted it without fighting. The father of her future children had something about him that made her want them to come soon. The drive and anger he had in his eyes, along with how he acted, told Maija that he wasn't some petty little man that didn't know how to hold his own. The kind of man she desired and needed was the complete opposite.
Slowly, she turned her head towards him and both eyes faced his. Leaf-green easily burned into deep pools of bright fuchsia, emotions remaining far from her mind. Her salmon pink tongue slipped out and touched his nose before a sliver of a smile showed itself upon her lips. Breathing slowed down and she perked both ears as she softly remarked, "That was good...very good." Her tail lightly thumped beside her as she closed her eyes to feel the cool breeze touch her skin.

"You're gonna hear me roar"