
Let the bodies hit the floor



2 Years
09-11-2014, 08:02 PM

Crucifix could not even remember what he was doing when the howl rung out, summoning him. It was rare that Orchid would call to him and he could hear the urgency, the command in her tone that told her he could not delay this for a second. His trot would start out light, moving quickly through the territory until the scent of her blood reached him. From that point he would become frantic, bursting through the trees until he found Orchid. He would have gone immediately to Sibelle?s side but Orchid blocked his way and took him to the side. It would be here that she would tell him she had lost an eye, that she would be blinded from it forever. On shaky legs he would make his way to Sibelle?s side, collapsing beside her, curling up against her to offer his warmth and support. Orchid had vanished, but he barely even noticed as he pulled her close and began to wash the cuts along her body. He did not know who had done this, but he needed to know. Who would do this to his mate, his love? He did not know, but he would find out and when he did..

His breathing was quick in his throat and he forced it to calm. He would out who did this later, and he would get his revenge, later. Right now all that mattered was Sibelle, making sure that she was okay. He would see when Orchid came back, watching her as she gently but practically applied her herbs and sorted out the damaged eye. A part of him still hoped.. Orchid was good, right? Really good? If anything could be done for the eye.. but, no, Orchid herself had told him it was lost. He shuddered, slowly, painfully, as he thought of what life might be like for Sibelle now. Would a simple maim be enough for revenge? Or, when he saw the one responsible, will he cry out for their blood, their life? Orchid vanished again and Crucifix nudged her side softly. ?Lets get you to my den? he told her softly.