
Absolute Territory[MEETING, ISOKAN]



7 Years
Extra large
09-23-2014, 03:06 AM

Mariposa would speak, and he had already noticed her behavior before. She was a prideful darker wolf, and he wanted to teach the others to learn to get along with others like herself. In order for the pack to survive that was how it was going to have to be. He looked at Allen for a moment, he would smile at the elder. Whispering the words 'thank you' with his lips hoping that he saw them. It seemed the walkers had plenty of experience in this. But he flicked up his tail to make sure his sister Sheikra didn't do anything because he was sure she would. "Bevroren is calling a joined training soon, you'll be able to spar then." he whispered to his sister as his attention turned to Mariposa. He wanted everyone to see how things would go in the pack. They needed to throw away their petty little pride, they were here to protect each other especially the royal family.
"Don't get too ahead of yourself Mariposa, all the royals have fighting experience except for the pups. Allen is your elder and probably fare more experienced than all of us. You simply are the only one holding a soldier position is all. It doesn't mean one is more experienced or less experienced." he would say. Flicking his tail and smiling, "I like your confidence though, don't lose that we'll need it in a fight." he would not have his members at each others throats right away. He had already said, if you couldn't get along, at least act like you did. "Now I want everyone to keep in mind there is no problem with sparring, and if you really need to fight out differences I'll look at dominance matches as long as you see me first. But I repeat, there WILL be darker minds joining us in the future in case something needs to happen. I need you all to get along no matter what. Ranks are allowed to be challenged for as well apart from royal and the olori, Akoko and heir positions. Bevroren will be calling a joined training meeting, if you are well enough to go, go, otherwise if I find out you skipped for no reason you will be demoted to a illu or citizen." Quelt would explain. "Royals will be a little different from the rest of the pack, they are still required to do duties however. As of now I'm putting Allen in charge of teaching everyone how to social for the better or like a counselor. If any of you need help, please go to him. He is the oldest of all of us. Everyone is dismissed, if you need me please talk to Allen or drop by my den." the Olori dipped his head and turned around to his den. Watching Irune to see if she would follow. This was going to be a difficult path, but one he needed to decide on his own.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]