
Oh, how things have changed


09-11-2014, 10:44 PM

A call would lift her head, a voice she had no heard in awhile. A smile would tug at her lips and she would rise immediately. Leaving her den behind she would move towards the border. Now days her steps were steadily growing for confident, though she still stumbled and bumped into things occasionally. Her sides continued to swell in obvious signs of pregnancy, it was mor and more obvious with each day. Cru has taken the news well, he was overjoyed, though she knew he was still heated over her maim. It had taken time, but she was coming to terms with the fact that her eye was gone, her sight would never return.

She had tried to hurry to meet her sister, but she became clumsy when she rushed so she was forced to move slowly, each paw landing carefully. Cru was still protective and didn't like her venturing off alone but she needed to, she needed to learn to stand on her own again and navigate the world with only a single eye. "Maija! I've missed you!" She would smile brightly, her crown tipped to her left so that she could clearly see the golden woman. She would rush forward, offering a gentle muzzle of greeting, her tail wagging furiously.

"Talk" "You" Think