
Oh, how things have changed



09-11-2014, 10:58 PM

Maija could smell Sibelle before the woman even appeared. Her heart rate began to speed up as she imagined seeing her sweet sister appear from between two of the nearest trees. Her imagination was approximately close, for Sibelle appeared a few meters away from where Maija thought she would appear. As soon as the surrounding light hit the Solstice Queen, Maija was shocked. So much had changed with her, but Sibelle...Sibelle was definitely a story waiting to be told.
The golden vixen walked over the borders, ignoring their cries of protest. She swept her tail behind her, making them hush and her presence was accepted. Her ears immediately perked at Sibelle's words, but she took a few seconds to take in her sister's changes. Half-blind and pregnant...all at the same time! A smile broke out across Maija's face, the muscles realizing the unfamiliar movement. "Sibelle..." Her voice was hushed and surprised, but the familiar Romanian accent still remained.
Maija wanted to cry, but she held them back with a strong effort. Instead, she pushed herself against Sibelle, bumping her gold chest with the russet one that immediately came into contact with her. She nuzzled her sister's left cheek with her right and her eyes closed as she breathed in the scent she had gotten used to for so many seasons. "Oh, Sibelle...I've missed you, too." she quietly moaned, relief and happiness evident in her words.
Slowly, Maija moved back and took in more details that had been missed before. "What have I missed the past six months?" She wondered out loud, awe still evident in her tones. She had certainly missed a lot!!
