
Not A War, An Alliance.


09-11-2014, 11:00 PM

The Medusa took her leave quite rapidly. For what reason would never be understood; however, it ignited a flaming curiosity. Though, if there was a dark reason for her joining, it would soon become known to all the world. Shadowed intentions never seemed to remain masked for long amounts of time and so she would allow fate to inescapably play out its role. Time would eventually present her an opportunity to be alone with the gal.

Marbled eyes watched the man before her carefully. Thoughts seemed to devour his mind. A moment of silence taking over the land before he would speak again. I will most definitely watch out for her. I assure you that I will do my best to protect Abaven from any ill intentions she may have. Motley eyes would dart to her paws as she listened faithfully to the man's continued words. Talons would shift delicately, grasping the terrain with its hold and then release it. . . A continuous cycle of motions as she played thoughts through her mind, carefully deciding on how to respond.

There really was nothing wrong with giving all wolves a chance; however, these chances would vary depending on the situation. Would she have accepted the woman into the pack? No, probably not. Though, beyond pack borders she may have given the woman a chance at friendship. Eyes would look off toward the horizon, eyelids closing partially shut due to the light the radiant sun emitted. Ah, such a powerful star.

Gaze would then return to Bass's eyes. A serious look painted her face perfectly. She did promise the king help and so she would give him the best advice her mind could conjure. My king. . . She would pause for a moment before continuing. Sentence would begin breathy and then trail off in her usual timbre. Somewhere along the road I heard spoken, "Live each day as if its your last and someday you will most definitely be right." I suppose you have to ask yourself what you can live with. I, as your friend and Kashkar, refuse to tell you how to run your pack and who to accept or to turn away. We all have to believe in something - whether it is our gut feeling, our heart, or fate. You just have to trust whatever you believe in and do what you feel is right. If I made the decisions for you or if my opinions influenced your own, the pack would no longer be built upon your own dreams, but rather it would be built upon mine. I will gladly accompany you when a joining call is made and I will happily share my opinions with you about prospective members; however, I ask you, no matter how I may feel, that you make the decision you are most happy with because in the end, that is all that matters. When there comes a time that you are unsure what side of the fence to fall on, just ask yourself what you would do if you were to die tomorrow. Because when one is faced with death, everything that does not matter simply fades away leaving only what is important.

It was important for him to hear this, or at least she felt that it was. Thinking in such a way would help the man make important decisions in more ways than accepting or declining new members. Paws would relax, ceasing its never-ending movements. Serious gaze would relax a bit as her eyes would return to the horizon. Eyes would close slowly and head would tilt upward - body taking in the warmth the sun offered.

my actions |
my words |
my thoughts