
A Lonesome Moon



09-12-2014, 01:29 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Ashtoreth felt her heart constrict in her chest. Still? Did that mean that there were others from Valhalla who had managed to band together after the challenge and were living together, wolves that she considered practically family that she was away from because she had run away? Not for the first time, she regretted racing off with her mate and children as she had, of putting them through the troubles they had faced and the untimely fate that had befallen Leon and Ashelia. The words if only continued to torment her but she made herself draw in a deep breath, willing herself to set it behind her. There was nothing to be done about the past now, no way of changing anything that had happened.

Quietly, under her breath, she spoke the grey male's name as he gave it, sure then that she did in fact remember it and who he was. Alsander. Cormalin's son and Erani's nephew. He had indeed been one of their Digammas, and her own lack of interaction on that front, being rather averse to any sort of fighting or training of the like, likely explained why she had not been able to recall hm right away. "I remember now," she remarked softly, nodding her head as a little smile began to settle upon her face in answer to his own. Just a little her tail began to wag. It was so wonderful to see a familiar face, to speak with someone from her old home. It made her want so desperately to abandon everything that she had done for the betterment of her family in the hopes of reuniting with those that she knew so well and trusted so much.

Her smile grew bittersweet as he named her own title, the compliment in his words drawing about a somewhat embarrassed, somewhat shamed sense to settle over her. She hardly felt at all like the woman that he spoke of, nor could she see herself in the same light. Events that had transpired had shown her just how weak, how fragile, she truly was, and any strength from those old days, when she had been certain of herself and her place in the world, had vanished the moment she had been deemed a loner once more.

Alsander confirmed what she had supposed just a second ago with his statement of those who remained of Valhalla, and the lean grey hunter's ears perked. "Here?" she asked, unsure if she had understood correctly. Had she been right in thinking that his presence here meant that the wolves she sought so much were right there upon the border of her new home, so close without her having realized? What she had written off as wishful thinking suddenly grew into a real possibility, and the realization of it only made her long to reunite with them more.

The gentle prompting regarding the well being of her family was met with a lowering of her gaze and a turning of her ears, the weighty sadness that still clung to her once again taking her quietly within its grasp. How much she wished to tell him all was well, to at least appease any concern he and the others might have had for her and her family with their separation. "Cador and Vaishya are with me in Olympus," she answered quietly, her two-toned gaze still lowered and averted as she tried to hold the brunt of her feelings within while she explained. She doubted he would have recognized either name. "My son and daughter. Leon and Ashelia..." Ash paused, taking a moment to steady herself before she admitted, "were lost near the Estuary." Of course, lost was meant in a metaphorical sense, and she hoped he would understand. She was not sure of her ability to say it straight out. Clearing her throat and blinking her suddenly watery eyes, she added, "It's nothing like Valhalla at all."