
Blow Me Away [MAIM]



4 Years
Extra large
09-12-2014, 11:57 AM

Lyonovei had had enough of her useless prattling. It was too much for his fragile sensibilities to bear. She had defiled this place with her presence and her callous intention to what was glorious. Her lack of revelry was nigh sacrilegious and the hulking brute was worn beyond thin. Oh, he ached to prove her error. Speech would grind out from his now salivating maw, low and deadly, yet roiling with heat. "I owe no allegiance to the Queen of Curs, you mongrel bitch." His mind slipped down, down, down and away from rationality as the burning anger took hold deep within him. The fire crept from his stomach and up his spine, tangling in every limb and forcing him to action. His front right paw slid forward as his hind right slid back, coming into a crouch, coiling each muscle into tension. He found his center of gravity as naturally as he took air into his lungs, and in it found a moment of clarity.

The charcoal behemoth was no stranger to such matters, and his stance was an art form. It had taken years of practice, trail and error, before he mastered it's nuances. He would align his neck just so, lowered to protect his neck, chin always tucked. Each joint bent at such an angle to take an impact, his tail sweeping from side to side as he subtly shifted his weight from right to left. You never knew when you might have to dodge. Ever wary, in the span of a breath, Lyon would assess his foe, his victim. He would drive her from this place and ensure she would never forget the price of her arrogance. He would see her flee before him, and when he had achieved this, he would strike. Such a long and luscious tail she had. Such a shame if it were to be lost... He faced Anzhelika head on, ears flat and teeth bared, eyes narrowed in molten fury.

His snarl became a feral grin and in the same heartbeat the brute would lunge slightly off the woman's left shoulder, his own right side. With all the fury of a guillotine he would whip his open jaws at the succulent flesh of her shoulder, the sweet muscle that gave her support. He put his weight behind the attack, hoping to break her footing and drive her at least a pace to the side, to knock the wind from her lungs, to prove his strength. As he stretched for the attack he would plant his front paws, ensuring his grip on the earth below was as stable as possible. Each muscle was singing for blood, be it his or hers. This pale fae would pay for acting against his wishes, and he would shorten her a tail for having to suffer her presence.

"Talk" "You" Think

LYONOVEI vs. ANZHELIKA for MAIM (Docking Tail)

Round 1 of ???

ATTACKS: Lyonovei lunges from his head-on position, aiming for Anzh's left side, attemping to take a bite out of the meat of her shoulder, to break her stance, and to drive the air from her lungs.

DEFENSES: Lower's his body into a more sturdy position, tightens muscles, neck alligned, chin tucked, tail out for balance, shifting weight, joints bent to absorb impact, plants paws for stability, ears pinned, eyes narrowed.

INJURIES: None yet!

NOTES: Good Luck, Misha!