
Brace for Bad Luck [Ebony's Storm]



5 Years
09-12-2014, 11:58 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

The call that had gone up had been heard, and for a fraction of a second Callisto had almost decided not to answer. She was still irked by the change in leadership of Ebony, of being forced to take orders from someone who was so young and, in her biased opinion, inexperienced. Katja was gone, though, and with her departure had taken all her expertise, all her structure and cold organization that Callisto had grown to like so well. How was she to fit into this place, with its young leader with new ideals? Was it right for her even to stay when she questioned it all?

Whatever the case, there seemed little point in arguing with herself while she still remained a part of Ebony and lived within its borders. For now she was a subject of their little queen and would need to play the part. No matter how irritating it might have been. Maybe Max would be there to help keep her mood in check.

The bolt of lighting that lit up the doorway of her den was the last confirmation that she needed. The grey and black girl turned her head to peer over one angular shoulder into the world beyond her den, certain that she had just witnessed lightning. A storm? That did not bode well in the least, though it explained the rogue breeze that had managed to sweep in and disorganize a small portion of her plants that she kept safely inside her sleeping quarters. She had been in the process of reorganizing them when Valeriya called, had stopped at the lightning, and now knew that she would need to answer the howl no matter what. Storms were dangerous things, and considering basically she and Max were their only healers - she rarely if ever saw Adelaide anymore - she figured her presence would be required.

Despite her delay in setting out, the closeness of her den's location to the place where Valeriya called from enabled her to be the second to arrive. So far it was only their little queen and her brother, both looking rather concerned about the darkening skies that threatened rain. Callisto's own silvery blue gaze was fixed skyward as she approached, narrowed into a frown that added a seriousness to her sharp features. "How does it look from up there?" she asked in flat tones to Valeriya where she stood upon her perch. If it was anything like what Callisto could see herself down here on ground level she was sure they were in for some trouble.