
It's Time to Fight Once More {River Flood!}



7 Years

09-12-2014, 12:22 PM

Storms had claimed the lands of Abaven. The plains seemed to be more mild, yet the rain and wind was still making the trees groan. The slight whispered of a howl reached his ears, hardly heard through the winds. As he made his way towards the river, the air around him felt compressed and chilled as it threatened to pull him right off his paws. Hunting would be impossible, and the lake waters had spilled over and threatened to flood like the river before him was starting to do. Squinting his yellow eyes towards the wolf standing there, he carefully picked his way over to Mirabelle. "We need to move to higher grounds!" He called as he got closer, his body almost leaning into the wind. This was dangerous weather, and he needed to move his pack. The plains provided little shelter, and with the river over flowing they would not be safe here. Sadness clouded the alpha's eyes, they needed to leave for the time being. Until these storms calmed, they needed to be safe.

Bass leaped back as lightening struck a tree, making it bow over. The wind ceased the opportunity and ripped it right out of the earth, the roots tearing from their purchase. Letting out a yelp, he dove out of the way as it crashed towards them, pulling Mirabelle with him. Panting he looked behind him, wide eyes looking at where they had just stood. The tree had fallen over the rapids, the roaring water threatening to pull the tree down the rapids with them. Shaking his head, he turned back to the brown female. "We need to gather the pack and make our way towards the Singing Caverns! The caves will keep us safe!" He called again, trying to be heard over the weather. He had never before seen this in his life, and he tipped back his head and howled for the rest of his pack, hoping that Mira would join in to make it louder.