
It's Time to Fight Once More {River Flood!}



3 Years
09-12-2014, 01:58 PM (This post was last modified: 09-12-2014, 03:41 PM by Mirabelle.)

Mira's howl faded away as she saw her alpha, relief flooding her. She hasn't realized just how worried she had been until she set eyes on Bass. "We do!" She called back, "Do you know where everyone is? The pups?" Her voice strained, worry staining it, put of fear for her pack. Her family.

Mira flinched as the lightning struck, and she leapt away, following behind Bass and feeling his weight against her as he shoved her out of the way. Her fur bristled, ears flat against her head. Wide eyes stared at the tree, trapped over the wroth water. Then she heard Bass, or rather, heard a couple words. "We... gather... singing... caves... safe!" Mira whines softly as she tried to piece together what he said. The Singing Caverns? That was the only thing that could make sense.

Her confusion cleared up by his howl. Yes, the Singing Caverns. Mira tipped her head back once more, her call joining his. That call faded quickly as another, desperate howl joined them. She didn't recognize the call, but she didn't care. Pushing her nose forward to touch Bass's shoulder for a moment, she dashed off, following the call. Soon enough she spotted the form, belonging to Rhythm. Rain lashed her, the wind pushing her and trying to tip her as she sprinted.

She skid to a stop, pressing against Rhythm, if she was allowed to. "Come on! We need to make it to the Singing Caverns!" She let out a short, loud howl repeating to Bass, adding another implied message: that she would be back to assist her family.



[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]