
It's Time to Fight Once More {River Flood!}



4 Years
09-12-2014, 06:30 PM

Nona had arrived late with what little medical herbs she could gather before the she heard the call. Rushing to where the sound was coming from. There she spotted other members of the pack and only heard a little bit of what Bass had said "Singing Caverns! The caves will keep us safe!". The singing caverns, Nona did not know where the place was and was afraid of what was happening. No matter the time for telling Bass what she had been doing before this would have to wait, for now she had to aid in whatever way she could.

The weather was worse than she feared it to be. Her home was being damaged by it, would they be able to come back here if it ever went away. She was only a member in training and had little experience besides what she was taught so far. Even then it would seem aiding any injured would prove to be a difficult task in its own right with this storm, herbs and other supplies were going to probably be more difficult to obtain she thought to herself. How was her adoptive father faring with where he lived now, did they get any weather like this or was he safe. Allen crept into her mind bringing her a small bit of comfort and strength to hold her courage up. Strength in numbers was what they had and in Abaven that strength was the power of being a pack, of being what she seen as a family. Nona made sure to call out to let Bass know that she was there to help with as loud as her voice could go "I'm here, Bass, if there is anything you need me to do to help, I'll do it!" the gentle and soft tone wasn't there instead replaced by one of loud volume.

-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-