
Hard Habits to Break


09-12-2014, 07:22 PM

Albion's interest would be diverted in a sudden and startling way. He jumped, gooseflesh popping up under his fur, as the voice of another broke into his thoughts. "Gods! What the-" His gaze would light upon the earthen fae, though not after whipping his head around fast enough to strain a muscle there. He winced, and slowly turned his head back to it's original position, hoping to alleviate the pain. No such luck. "Oh, ow." Carefully he turned to the fae once more, overly aware that he wasn't exactly painting the most noble picture of himself. But what did he care about that anyways? Whatever she thought of him he could definitely live with it. "Hey, stranger," he'd mumble. Manners, along with most other social graces, were not among the pale brute's strong suits. Oh, but his neck hurt. He knew the ache would linger for a number of days at the least, and probably make it more than difficult to sleep comfortably. If he hadn't gotten lost in his thoughts it wouldn't have been an issue, he would have heard her coming at the least. But no, he had to daydream! Albion allowed himself a quiet scoff. You fool, he chastised himself harshly, but after the initial lashing didn't give the self-deprecation much thought. "Whatcha up to?" he asked the fae easily. Maybe she'd have some idea as to why this land was so bizarre, why it seemed to call to him.

"Talk" "You" Think