
It's Time to Fight Once More {River Flood!}



10 Years
09-12-2014, 07:40 PM

Darkness enveloped her; holding her in an unescapable grip. She had been sleeping soundly when the sound of an oncoming storm roared above her. Her den was on low grounds, and the storm hadn't seemed so large when encroaching upon the lands of Abaven. How she was wrong.

Water choaked at her paws as the tempest heard the oncoming roar of the rain. The rapids flooded everywhere, as a sharp torrent beat at the lands. She couldn't be able to make it out of her den in time. It was too deep, and water kept pouring in. If she didn't use her time wisely, she would drown. In moments she resembled a wet rat, as she threw herself at the enterance of her cave, hind legs slipping on the moss. Her herbs would be ruined at the end of this storm, but now was important. Did anyone else know of what was happening? Forelegs scrabbled furiously for a hold on the slick mud. Now she was swimming in her den. A great crack of thunder sounded as her brother's voice barely rised above the wind. Forelegs still could not get a grip on the mud, as she began to feel her mouth fill with dirt and water. Her neck would crane upward as she shoved her muzzle upward, screaming a call of distress. "HELP!" She spared no time after this speech, her head ducking beneath the water after she inhaled a great wheezing breath, her eyes welcoming the dirty darkness. Her hind legs pushed hard, as she expulsed herself forward, appearing from her den like a wet rat, sodden and dirty. Quickly, she made fast time with weak legs, stumbling toward the rest of Abaven's group. She recounted heads, and noticed one wasn't there. Over a great crack of thunder, her voice cried out. "Motif! She's gone! We can't leave anyone behind if we can help it." Silently, she prayed for her to be alright, but even more, she prayed for Quintus to be safe. Blood began to clot her vision, as choppy waters ran up her ankles, and she was unaware that she had sliced the right side of her face in her den on a rock. She didn't care. All she wanted was the safety of her pack. This was Bass's moment, his time to be the alpha Abaven needs.
