
It's Time to Fight Once More {River Flood!}

Motif I


4 Years
09-12-2014, 07:56 PM

The weather started out with rains, constant and endless that kept her in her den for long and boring hours. She didn't realize that the rain was rising the level of the stream, that it would begin to flood the pack lands. Her first real warning that this weather was getting dangerous was the crack of lightning almost above her. She had never heard it so loud, so aggressive before and shuddered, slinking deeper into her den. She moved closer then, to pair through her cave into the raging weather, and began to worry about Bass. Was he alright in all this? And surely he was worrying about the pack right now. Even as she watched the lightning struck up again, and the brightness of it struck through the heavy rains and winds to light up the world as it struck the tree right outside her cave.

Her fur stood on end, a puff about her with the electricity in the air and she could only watch as a branch of the tree, sliced clean off by the power of the storm struck across the entrance of her cave. Her first thought was to flee to that back of her den, her second told he she needed to get out there and find Bass. As if in answer to that she heard her name cried out somewhere up ahead, but the rest of the words where lost. She scrambled over the branch that half blocked her exit, squeezing herself through the gap and leaving a few tuffs of fur behind. She sprinted free and away, in the rain and the wind she could follow know scents but instead followed the sounds and speech of the group until she found them and joined their ranks. Her eyes where perhaps a touch wide and her fur sticking every which way as she put herself next to Bass and looking about herself to see who else was accounted for. She was relieved to see Harmony and Rythem in the group and shaking out her coat she silently followed her brother.