
It's Time to Fight Once More {River Flood!}



1 Year
09-12-2014, 08:08 PM (This post was last modified: 09-12-2014, 08:18 PM by Darrah.)

Eli Note: Permission to PP him being pulled out of water

He had been walking along the river with Vivi when the storm had hit. The fierce winds were so close to throwing him into the raging torrents of water next to him. There were rocks across the water and due to his small size, Darrah was blown into the water and he fought desperately until he found himself clutching onto a rock for dear life, his paws wrapped around the rock so his face was up against the side as tight as he could get it. Vivi had been a bit safer, darting to get help immediately. "HWWRELP!" Darrah called out as water rushed around him, drowning him out. Vivi ran to the cave, her eyes in a frantic panic as she saw the gathered group that was starting to leave. "BASS! Darrah was thrown into the water. I can't get to him..." She could call out, remembering that Darrah had talked about Bass being his mentor.

His white fur was slicked back as his grip started to loosen on the rock. There was pure fear and panic in his eyes as he wondered if the others were safe. Where had Vivi disappeared to and would she return with aid? Of course she would, she was his best friend and she would never leave him to die, no matter the scenario. "HWWWELP MEHHH!" More water would rush around him, some catching his mouth as he began to cough. He did not know how much longer he could hold out.

"Darrah Dialog." "Vivianna Dialog."