
It's Time to Fight Once More {River Flood!}



4 Years
09-12-2014, 09:00 PM

She rolled over onto her side, closing her eyes tightly as she tried sleeping through the storm raging over her home lands. She had found herself a rather spacious abandoned den near the shoreline of monument rapids and decided to make it her new home. Yet the rain had ruined her good mood and made her a wet dog as she had got caught in the earlier light rainfall from her earlier exploring.

A rattle would ring out and shake her awake, the snake's face close to her own. It was Sabre. "Anzzzhelika, I noticccced the water level from the rapidsssss isss risssing. We need to get out of here quick." He would tell her in a worried tone, and began to slither out of the cave.

Her own gold and amethyst eyes would widen as she would barely pick herself up and the water would already be rushing into her cave, lapping at her ankles. It was ice cold, chilling to her bones. She quickly stood up and shook her fur, the water level rising quicker and quicker into her cave, her teeth chattering from the cold water. Where the Hell was Sabre? She thought to herself, throwing her head around as she searched for him. He was no where to be seen, and the water was already lapping at her thighs. Oh, Sabre is fine. I just need to get out of here, now. She quickly thought to herself as she began trudging through the water towards her cave exit.

The water was heavy to trudge through, ice cold liquid pulling her down with each step. Her paws and fur grew slick with the water, her struggle to get out all the more troubling. Just as she was about to make a head on dash for the cave exit, the water rushed a log into her direction and blocked her only means of exiting, entrapping the girl within her own home.

Anzhelika quickly moved away before making much impact with the large log, the thing only merely scraping her chest. The water was now lapping at her neck and she had begun to swim in her own cave without realizing it. "HELP, HELP!!" She cried breathlessly out to anyone. Worry flushed over her and she said a silent prayer, for her not to die like this.


She cried out breathlessly. She wasn't all emotionless, or cruel in this world. She still cared for others, and she would help them. And now, she said another silent prayer in her mind that someone cared enough for her to help her. If someone didn't come soon, her new home would reside as a grave for the girl.

(OOC; Permission to powerplay someone removing the log to her entrance.)

[Image: vQdrOgc.png]

[Image: 524oelY.png]

Warning: This character is prone to cursing, possible maim, fighting, and claims. If you choose to RP with this character, do it at your own risk!