
It's Time to Fight Once More {River Flood!}



7 Years

09-12-2014, 11:32 PM

Through the wind and the rain he heard the howl of his sister, and was about to pad after her to go towards Rhythm, missing Chrono making a fast appearance before quickly vanishing. He let out a soft sigh when Mirabelle made it to his sister first, her words lost in the wind. It was the stranger who made a showing that caught his attention. He quickly padded over, careful not to slip on the ground that was quickly turning to mud. He was just in time to catch not the wolf's words, but the rats. Blinking his surprise away he nodded his head. "Of course! Come with us, I would never turn anyone away in times like these!" He called, walking over to the boy and nudging him forward. They needed to get going before the storm got even worse, the river was very quickly rising. If he lost anyone in this... it would break his young heart. He led the stranger towards Mirabelle and Rhythm. "We are bringing these two with us!" He called again, his jaw sore from all the yelling. But there was no way that he could be heard if he were to speak normally.

It was then that Nona made herself known, and he nosed the pale boy towards her. "Look this boy over! The rat said his name is Nia. I'm not sure if he's hurt!" He didn't have time to say anything else as the call of his sister roared with the wind. White ears pulled forward as he ran with the wind, allowing it to push him towards his ailing sister. The mocha girl ran towards him though, making him let out another sigh of relieve. She spoke of Motif not being here, and even though worry shone in his golden eyes he shook his head. "She will come, I know it!" He called once more. "I will not leave until we lead everyone to safety. Harmony! You will lead the group towards the caverns!" He was to stay behind and wait for the rest, but as Sable made herself known it was a good sized group to start the travels towards their save lands.

Bass' ears were open to all calls around him, straining to hear above the storm. Motif made herself known to him and he let out a breath, nudging her towards Harmony. Those two could lead the way, he was going to follow in no time at all. A small cat ran at him, and his eyes widened as she said that Darrah had been thrown into the water. The brute wasted no time at all, following Viv back to the boy. He was clinging to a rock, and sheer panic flared in his chest. "Darrah! Hold on, I'm coming for you!" He yelled, the rains pelting his coat as he attempted to edge as close to the waters edge as he could. His front paw slipped, but he scrambled to regain his footing. He was so close to the boy, he could feel his heat calling out to him. Just a little further and he would have him! Bass pushed himself to his limits, pushing his upper body so that his front paws landed on the rock that Darrah was hanging on to. His claws dug into the hard surface, his mouth bending down as he locked over the pale boy's scruff, his bite a bit forceful. He held on for dear life, Darrah was too large for him to carry. Taking in a deep breath he didn't care, pulling up as hard as he could and tossing him backwards, the muscles in his neck screaming in pain. That was going to be sore for awhile, but he cared not. With Darrah landing safely on the bank, Bass was now rather... stuck. The wind was whipping towards him though, and he knew that he could use it to his advantage. Lifting up his front half of his body he let the wind force him backwards. He landed on his back with a loud thump, the air knocking clean out of his lungs. Bass wheezed as the rain poured into his open mouth. Turning his head sideways, his paws flailed as he fought to regain his breath. A few painful moments passed before the air rushed back in, the Azat gasping for air and choking out the water that dared to attempt to take his life. Bass turned behind him, licking Darrah. "Go to the others! Viv knows the way!" He called, sticking his nose in that direction. He let out a loud howl to let the group know that another was coming to them. He had no time to waste though, there were still wolves to find.

Another call of help reached his alabaster ears, his fur now dripping wet. He was walking slower, his neck sore from tossing Darrah. Regardless he ran towards the caller, spotting Anzhelika caught behind a log, locking her in her own den. "Hold on!" He screamed, claws kicking up mud as he fought to get to her as quickly as he could. He may not trust the woman fully, but she was a pack mate regardless. The water still fought against the log, but Bass used his remaining strength to drive his chest into the end of the tree, forcing it backwards. He tried to use the pull of the water on either side of the den to force it away, a heavy bruise forming in his chest as he pushed hard against the tree. As soon as it was free, he reached into the den and fought to grab Anz's scruff, pulling upwards to help her out of the den. "Let's get to the others!" Bass said, his nose flicking in the direction from where he came. Eyes squinted as the rain battered against his aching body, but he would fight till his last breath to save his pack.