
It's Time to Fight Once More {River Flood!}


09-13-2014, 12:53 AM

Darkness played upon her eyes - eyelids closed over marbled eyes. Sleep had not taken its hold, simply she lied there in the tall grasses allowing the storm to envelop her. The wind tangled her mane and toyed with each hair that sprouted from her body. Rain shrouded her form in gentle kisses. Thunder sung her a lullaby whilst lightening offered relief from complete darkness. The wind whipped the grasses around her frame causing the blades to tickle her side as if they were dancing with her static body. Forelimbs were stretched out in front of her and head rested upon her limbs. Hind limbs were tucked beneath her midriff.

Though, her peace would not last - it never did. A seemingly endless yelling rolled out in the distance intertwined with howls and calls of desperation. Left eyelid would slowly slide open, body still resting in the same position. An soft, aggravated growl purred inside her passage. Ears would pin back momentarily and then flick forward to try and capture the words. With a huff, she stood and shook off most of the mud that clung to her galactic pelt.

Frame moved in the direction of the disturbance to see what was the matter. Though, to her, everything was going just fine. She loved storms and it created a calm that would wash over her. She arrived just in time to watch Bass pull Anzhelica from her prison, though, she half wished he would have left her there. Marbled eyes would watch from a distance for a while, enjoying the twisting winds as it would blow away all thoughts of darkness from her mind.

She carried herself over to the rest, assuming that this was an evacuation. She, herself, would probably embrace the storm and allow it to wash away all of her weak members. Though, she kept in mind that it was Bass's pack and she would uphold his law. Her posture reflected the peace that overcame her - head parallel to the ground and tail draped straight down. Body tension had been released and it would appear as if sleep was ready to consume her body. She would yawn and shake out her pelt once more, but this time to try to awaken herself from death's cousin. She did not want to appear ignorant of what was going on, being the king's Kashkar. So, she would simply help protect the pack when necessary and listen to what else is to be said to catch up on the happenings.

my actions |
my words |
my thoughts