
Lady, running down to the riptide



5 Years
09-13-2014, 02:52 AM

ooc: No deadline, no posting order. Let's go!


It had begun as a simple bit of rain, seemingly nothing to worry about though animals everywhere had of course sensed that the worst was yet to come. Even so Novella could have never predicted things would reach this level of danger. The bay was far more dangerous, the winds painfully strong and rain so heavy you could barely see the end of your nose. She hadn't made it far enough but she was sure the tide was higher as well, the water starting to flood the area. She'd searched for as long as she dared, attempting to ensure that no one else was around the area, most importantly that none of the children had wandered that way. She had been unable to find Aslan that morning and it had worried her sick.

She had reunited with the boy now though as she transferred back over towards the falls. The weather was a little calmer here, though still very dangerous. She didn't dare lead them closer to the falls, it was their rising water level that had alerted her to the dangers of flooding in the first place. She would howl now, summoning all towards her. They would have to move temporarily, find shelter elsewhere away from the rivers and oceans and perhaps less affected by this awful storm. Where she had no idea, but first things first, the pack had to be gathered. She would stand protectively close to her son hoping that Frith would soon arrive with both Herne and Varda in tow. Praying that her parents would show safely with their three children. Wanting nothing more than the entire pack, safe and sound standing around her.