
Down By the Riverbend



11 Years
09-13-2014, 03:52 AM
It was good to be in a familiar place again without a pack so he could devote time to his family. His sons Nako and Jakart were a curious lot now that they had freedom to explore a territory they had only glimpsed during the time that they stayed in Seracia. The two eldest males now taking their younger brother Kailos out on hunts to get him the lay of the land. And it was his hope that the howl that had sounded a moment before would not draw any of his offspring to answer the stranger's summons with him. Tahlia and Des were already about, Bane giving his pale, grey flecked pelt a shake?before setting off on faded black paws.?It's was morning out, the suns warmth on his face as he sniffed out Tahlia's scent while pivoting his ears to try and triangulate the howl.

The old wolf would have to be mindful of running into trees, his reaming eye finally rendering the world dark. The bright blue pups eyes had not changed to the shade of gold or brown, but it mattered not. Bane's sapphire gaze was now unseeing. At first it troubled his greatly during his visions rapid decline over the past month. He suspected his family knew about it, but no inquiry's had been made even after finally waking one morning to blackness. Now his nose painted the world for him, purposeful steps bringing him closer to the summon between the trees. Tahlia and Des's path had intersected, Bane hearing one sided conversation up ahead. The stranger with his mate and children's godmother?smelled of other wolves. And curiously enough a feline. Bane hobbled over next to Tahlia on worn paws and nudged her shoulder with a gentle lick. "Stranger." The elder wolf turned and called in greetings with a nod at the male. "I take it you have some words for us?"
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•