
Brace for Bad Luck [Ebony's Storm]



3 Years
09-13-2014, 08:18 AM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2014, 07:06 AM by Valeriya.)

She would not stand alone before the storm for very long. Her howl would bring forth, before any other, her remaining sibling. Valeriya would look down on Kass with a relieved grin, all of her youth showing for an instant only as she looked over his frame. It had been too long since they'd spent time together, and while the circumstances were less than ideal, she was happy to see him. But before the next breath, she was the Queen once more. "Kass! I'm fine, don't worry. Only-" The appearance of another would halt her words, and the auburn fae would turn to find Callisto waiting below her as well. "How does it look from up there?" The question was pointed, and Val turned her gaze back to the advancing front. "Bad," Val admitted. "Really bad. Come up and see for yourself if you like," she offered and scooted down a pace on the wall in case Callisto was inclined to take up her offer. Another peal of thunder crashed down around them, and the first gusts of wind swept up the flatland below, rushing up to meet them. She pinned her ears, the howling sound of it sharp and unpleasant. Kassander pressed her, asking, "What do you want to do, Val?"

Over the wind she would raise her voice, straining her vocals to make sure both he and Callisto could hear her. "We need to try and find the newest wolves, make sure they're safe. These walls here are sturdy, it wouldn't-" The wind was too loud. With a frustrated sigh, Val lept down from her perch and ducked behind the nearest wall where the wind was no so severe. "It wouldn't be a terrible place to shelter for those who don't have a secure den. Also, both of you are healers, what of our stores? Is there anything we should be spending our last peaceful moments on the look out for?" The thunder was growing in frequency, and the wind was picking up rapidly. Val could feel the charge in the air, feel the coolness that proceeded the worst of what nature could provide. Then, all at once, it would seem as if the storm threw something new into their midst.

With a graceless flop a pale brute could come careening down the hill and land amongst them. Val's eyebrows lifted in shock, momentarily forgetting about the storm. What on earth was he doing here? Not that she really cared that he'd gone through her borders, but the timing seemed a little odd. "Ullr?" she asked, interrupting his stuttering. Lightning lit up the sky and the crack of thunder was immensely powerful, and seemed powerful enough to drive the young male from his cast-about position to the underside of Val's underside. She would dip her head down and gaze between her own front legs to where he now cowered. "Hey Ullr! Uh, good to see you again?" Her voice held more humor than confusion, and she couldn't restrain a wolfish grin despite the situation. She looked up at Kass and offered with a smile, "I suppose he'll be with us too then. Kass, Callisto, this is Ullr." The storm was moving ever closer and with a sigh she looked back up at the cloud. The first raindrop fell and landed square in her eye.

"Talk" "You" Think