
I thought you were dead...


05-15-2013, 04:25 PM
ooc Since the thread was moving slow and the timing if very off, XD, this will be after the previous thread and so after all the events that are currently going on within Glaciem.

She was very thankful for this opportunity Gargoyle gave her. Iniko would finally be able to get a full night's rest, not have to wake up early to go hunting for small amounts of food, he would be able to fill his stomach in one feeding. That was what made her so happy. Her child would be in a safe place, be able to make friends and act like a pup should.

Sperare could finally relax, let her guard down. Now that she was apart of Glaciem, she would not have to worry about other wolves attacking her and her child, she would be backed up by these new wolves. Thank you Gargoyle, for giving me this... She spoke to herself softly, a small smile forming on her black lips.

For now she was just relaxing, letting Iniko explore the pack's camp grounds and make friends, they both needed it. And so she was laying away from the camp, about halfway from it and the border, in a small forest. She lay upon a rock, head resting on her paws, the sun on her back.It was then that she realized she would have to eat a lot before Winter came, try to get a few pounds back so she could survive it.