
It's Time to Fight Once More {River Flood!}


09-13-2014, 11:41 AM

The world was furious with them all. And it seemed whatever had made it angry happened very quickly. Because it used to be so beautiful...that summer air. The heat against her spine and that perfect weather. Now this. Horrible storms, mini hurricanes even. It was disastrous. And Wren had almost been left behind when they began to move out toward the Singing Caverns. But she managed to hear the agonizing cries of those who needed help, or those who had been trapped into things. It immediately threw Wren into reality. She was a bit horrified that her den had been flooded and crushed by a tree...but once the woman realized everything, she fled instantly. Toward everyone, her family that was in danger.
Her fur was soaked and she was a soppy mess. It didn't help her as she tried to fight the storm and the awful winds that held her back from getting to the group. Her breathes were heavy and quick, and she slipped every time a strong gust of wind approached her. Would she even make it any farther? At this rate...they will probably reach safety before she even gets to their previous meeting spot. Growls and grunts left her lips, before a strong wind reached her and threw her to the ground. Her head slammed against a sharp rock and she cringed in bitter agony.
Everything seemed like a blur. Maybe even a dream. Things like this happened rarely...but why now? Everyone was was peaceful. The world would change now, with this horrid event! Wren pulled her legs into her body and felt like sobbing. Her body shook violently...but the pain was practically transparent to her. It was this mental feeling that swelled in her heart. It hurt. Warm blood slid down her face, and for a moment the woman just lied there, hopeless. But she found herself rising and pushing on after a minute. It was a demon's goal to make a soul give up on itself. Why give in to something as pointless and worthless as scum...?
Everyone was a group. Wren gaped and made her way over to Bass at her weak, difficult state, pressing up to his shoulder and groaning a simple question. "Is everyone okay...?" Her eyelids rolled shut for a moment as the hard rain pattered against her face. Another question immediately flew from her lips. "Nobody is hurt, right?"