
Eau de Chien


09-13-2014, 11:58 AM

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? her surroundings are ominous, cloaked in the perpetual shadow of gloom and canopied by foreboding clouds that constantly threaten to burst at the seams. and while the humidity of summer lingers in the atmosphere, the biting chill of approaching autumn grows prominent by the day -- severe winds raking their spindly fingers through pallid fur, clawing at her battered flesh with whispered promises of impending tribulation. yet the tyrant queen remains undeterred by the sinister shift in the weather and climate of her domain, abandoning the security of her unsullied crypt in favor of the ultimate chaos that unfolds in every nook and cranny surrounding it.

unforgiving pellets of rain hammer against the skewed slopes of her ascended skull, mismatched amethyst and silver gaze narrowed in a pitiful attempt to conserve the clarity of her vision as she navigates through the island?s devastation, her infamously wry grin engraved into the marred premises of her dampened countenance while she observes the surrounding havoc with avid pupils. thunder incessantly bellows overhead as streams of lightning infiltrate the darkness with fleeting luminosity, providing the elysius deity with a menacing backdrop that quite perfectly compliments the malevolent aura shrouding her cruel entity. and she thrives within the ruthless scenery as any tyrant queen would -- her gait immaculate, powerful as she ravages the muddied earth with heavy strides, a destination secured within the pestilent chasms of her mind as his familiar behemoth physique encumbers her vision. water cascades down the front of her visage and her nostrils flare to expel the droplets as she approaches the wallowing blue boy, decadent incisors exposed with the sardonic smirk she presents him with. ?aren?t you the most pitiful sight,? is the saccharine croon that confidently streams from velvet lips as she regards him with a quirked brow, robust appendages ceasing to propel her any further towards him once she had breached the area a mere five feet away from where he now sulks like the overgrown child he is.