
Thrown Back and Forth



8 Years
Extra large
09-13-2014, 05:41 PM

The man, lost in his memories of what had happened before arriving in Alacritia, would not notice the woman shifting closer to his side till he felt a touch on his shoulder. Head lifted and golden eyes fell upon the woman who nuzzled his shoulder, it was comforting, helping to set the memories aside. Ears perked up and pointed towards the woman when he began to speak, wanting to hear what she had to say.

Destruction spoke about how the world would give them tests such as this, enough to drive one mad with many emotions. Oh how true that was, so many tests, working at your very core, seeing how much you could take till you either broke or figured out how to solve the damned thing without losing your mind. Then she moved onto how she thought he was as a father, the type to raise his kids right and set an example to others. That would definitely help the man out, making him feel proud to know somebody thinks he was a good father and good role model. She believed his children lurked somewhere in his world, and their fates may be kinder.

The woman offered a smile, and in that moment, without even trying, the corners of his own lips would raise in the same action. When she finished however, the man couldn't help but chuckle, giving a small shake of his head and looking out to the water with a smirk. "It feels as though I'm a child getting advice from a much older and wiser wolf." He joked, not mocking the woman, for her did take her words to heart and was trying to lighten the mood.

Looking back to Destruction with a kind smile, the man spoke once more. "I know my children are out there, somewhere. I have not given up hope, for if I did my mate would probably knock me over the head and toss my ass into a tree for giving up so easily." He chuckled before reaching down and ripping off a flesh of meet from the carcass, chewed then swallowed. "You seem like a fine woman... if you're interested I have a group of friends and their children staying north of here, you are welcome to crash there or even visit." The man invited her with a smile. The dark pelted woman seemed good of heart, easy to get along with so he saw no harm in inviting her to live with the Valhallans in the Whistling Willows north of here.

Awesome table by Requiem <3