
with all the force of a great typhoon


09-13-2014, 04:20 PM

It seemed that Alec didn't wanna play and was more so wanting to learn on their first day out. It took him a couple seconds to realize this, but when he did his made Hercules slow to a walk then finally a top, his body twisting around to face his family once more with a small, playful pout. "Why you so mean Alec? Leaving me hanging like that." He stuck out his bottom lip, folded back his ears and even did the whole big puppy eyes when he asked. He wasn't aiming to seriously make his sister feel guilty for not chasing after him, just being a bit silly to continue the good mood of today's exploration.

Quickly though he would switch back to his normal, happy self and flash a grin while his ears perked up and tail began to wag behind him. "You guys are gonna teach us things?" He barked excitedly, quickly making his way back over, small paws carrying the boy up and around to his father's right side. Fiery orange eyes looked up at the man briefly then would swing over to glance towards his mother with an eager grin. "What kinds of things?" He questioned curiously. What could they possibly teach their children today?

Awesome image by Shelby <3