
It's Time to Fight Once More {River Flood!}



10 Years
09-13-2014, 08:53 PM

She had no time to groom herself, or to fix herself up. Faintly the mocha cloaked tempest had heard the name of the higher grounds that the pack could reach to get to safety. Her left eye now was clotted with blood completely, as the cut on the left side of her face pulsed furiously, but it was the least of her problems at the moment; her crown turning and seeking the flooded lands. Her den was submerged by now, and murky water climbed the banks yet more. Would Abaven have to move? The lands could never recover from a disaster like this... Abaven had been so happy and peaceful, at harmony with nature, and hell had fallen from the skies. The voice of her brother called above the wind, strained so all could hear. Her name was called, as she was given the duty of leading the pack to safety. Normally she would have been concerned and worried, but right now wasn't the time to screw around. Time was of essence. She would stand to her full height, her weight distributing evenly as her claws dug into the muddy soil. "Abaven! As Bass says, we have to get to safety if we are to survive!" Mismatched orbs observed as her brother dashed away, a call for help rising upon the wind. By gods, please be okay. There was a youngster who was lost, and Bass had welcomed her with ease. Always the leader Abaven needed. Her voice next came as a booming sound, of promise. "We can make it. We are Abaven! We are family!" Possibly coincidentally, a crack of thunder sounded right above the tempest, striking only air, igniting the crowd. Water already began to lick at her ankles.

She would begin to trot forward, her mismatched orbs searching her friends' faces for response. "Come! To find a tomorrow!" With her final verse of lyrics, she would begin to pump her legs at a easy pace, to see if her packmates would follow, and if they should, she would disappear into the night, leaving Abaven's lands behind her. Bass would be alright, she knew it.

- exit harmony unless stopped -


art & coding © starry