
bearing the olive branch

Gargoyle I


05-15-2013, 05:39 PM

[Image: gargie_recokoning_by_kidrylm_writer-d63xnxj.png]


Insomnia was kind enough to keep her love from smothering the young Prince, and the party, now throughly at ease, was ready to move. Gargoyle strode with steady, lengthy step, but rather than ahead, his gaze was down and to his side where now walked Maverick. When the youth spoke, the Northern Chief grunted in recognition of the boy's loss in not yet seeing the majesty of such a creature. Of course he had not - Gargoyle had spent the first seasons of his life in northern snowy lands, always searching for a glimspe of such a creature and yet he had never seen one. ...It had been while on one of his searches for one that... that the ambush had occured.

It seemed his memory was forever tainted. He could not look back now. Only forward.

"I've little doubt we'll see them eventually, but so far only Grizzleys and Snow Leopards have been sighted. Glaciem pack members have dealt with the white beasts in the past though," The Chief's voice and head lowered, quite obviously implying some sort of secret, "-before you go, you must make certain to ask Miss Insomnia about her experiences with such." His manner was not what most would call 'humorous', but for him, it most certainly was. He was a wolf who had fought and killed and warred 'light-hearted' was not a word to describe his character.... and yet, ever since the birth of his pups a change had come over him. His connection with the wolves around him was stronger. - A fact which made Asheni's death all the more painful, and yet at the same time, gave him a better chance at recovering from such pain.

This rare show of softness - was one that was kept only for his mate and for pups, but it seemed that Maverick was just young enough to inspire some sort of unconscious comeradery in the breast of the beast. Or 'the mountain' as he had, unknowingly, been dubbed.

"For now, though," he continued, "It is your turn to question me. Make it as deep or light a question as you please, for though we are all strong wolves at a good pace, my lands are vast-" he looked ahead, his yellow gaze falling over ivory hills - dusted with ever green and rimmed with grey mountains beyond. "-and we have a good way to travel before we reach the cave."
