
Kaala's Greeting


05-15-2013, 06:19 PM
Gray lined ears perked up as she heard a voice off into the distance after Kaala had entered the den as well. Then Kaala asked if Kai was going to be alright. The pup stubbornly said he would but it was clearly obvious he was freezing. The young mother licked his fur backwards to help warm him up. Her bi-colored eyes softened as she did so.

"Oh he'll be alright" she said in reply

Then suddenly her little brother Cross appeared. How did he even get here? Their mother certainly wouldn't let him out in this weather.

"Ugh, Maka" she said under her breath for only her to hear.

If her sister hadn't lost sight of Kairos they wouldn't all be out here. Cross and Kairos would be safe in the cave and Maka and Keki would be worry free for the moment. A small smile appeared on her maw; every wolf makes mistakes so why lurk on the subject.


"how did you get here? You shouldn't be out here." she said in a gentle yet stern tone.

"And no Kai, nothing will eat you while I'm here. You're all safe around family in the border alright you two?"

Keki's smile then faded as she did not look amused as Kai shook out his fur. Droplets of water sprayed everywhere and Keki had to apologize.

"I'm sorry for this Kaala; but at least you have us to keep you company during the storm until it passes."

"I'm afraid after it ends I'll have to take these two back to the cave."

"But you're more then welcome to come with us." she added.