
It's Time to Fight Once More {River Flood!}



4 Years
09-14-2014, 04:00 AM

Nona heard what she was to do with Nia and as thus she would move quickly to the boy's size. He was roughly her size but that didn't matter, she would look over him and of course his rat companion to make sure they both weren't injured. Nona was gentle with her touch as she would nudge the wolf to follow Harmony and spoke so Nia and the rat could hear her "if there are any injuries that I cannot see now, I'll take care of them but first with this storm the way it is we're going to have to stick together". Nona would once more gently nudge him. She would only leave if Nia came with and thus would make sure he would go before herself in the group that would follow Harmony.

This storm left her with little time to do any thorough examination for any injuries on Nia, nor anyone else for that matter. The longer they lingered here it was only going to get worse and if she lingered trying to examine him for any more wounds that she might not have found as she didn't notice any apparent wounds yet but taking time to do so would risk them getting caught up in this storm and they both might die. Nona wasn't going to let this rage from the heavens above and what was below stop her from trying to be brave and doing what she could and so Nona would follow Harmony if Nia went before Nona's own movement.

-exit Nona unless stopped or Nia doesn't start moving-

-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-